
SoK: Integrity, Attestation, and Auditing of Program Execution

SpecCFA: Enhancing Control Flow Attestation and Auditing via Application-Aware Sub-Path Speculation

X-Cipher: Achieving Data Resiliency in Homomorphic Ciphertexts

ACFA: Secure Runtime Auditing & Guaranteed Device Healing via Active Control Flow Attestation

DiCA: A Hardware-Software Co-Design for Differential Check-Pointing in Intermittently Powered Devices

ASAP: Reconciling Asynchronous Real-Time Operations and Proofs of Execution in Simple Embedded Systems

SparkFHE: Distributed Dataflow Framework with Fully Homomorphic Encryption


Runtime Auditing from the Verifier's Perspective

ACFA: Secure Runtime Auditing & Guaranteed Device Healing via Active Control Flow Attestation

SparkFHE: Distributed Dataflow Framework with Fully Homomorphic Encryption