My Links

This page lists links to my academic profiles, social pages, and other miscellaneous pages.

Academic links: Github Profile, Google Scholar, ResearchGate

Social Links: LinkedIn

Submission Countdown: Some upcoming submission deadlines

Other Projects:

Privacy Preserving Planar Point Location:

This webpage contains the details of my final project for the Computational Geometry Course (CSCI 716). For this project, I explored the possibility of conducting Planar Point location through Trapezoidal Maps given that the coordinates of the point are encrypted and that the trapezoidal map is provided and public.

RockSat-C 2018-2019:

While at the University of Delaware, I participated in RockSat-C: a program run by Colorado Space Grant that launches college student projects in a suborbital rocket at Wallops Space Facility. The Delaware Space Consortium sponsored my team's participation in this program. Our main project involved collecting data to form current-voltage (I-V) curves of a prototype SiC HEMT transistor designed by UDEL's Dr. Zeng and her team. Our system performed multiple voltage sweeps during the rocket's flight to analyze changes in the transistor's characteristics. We equipped our system with a Geiger counter to estimate changes in radiation levels along the flight path. An accelerometer and GPS receiver collected 3-axis positioning data and location coordinates. These projects provided supplemental information to the I-V data that was collected. Two 12V li-po batteries powered the entire experiment, and they were mounted to a custom 3-D printed internal structure inside the capsule. Our power regulator circuit converted the 12V source to various voltage supply sources for each component in the system.